Accounts Guidelines

Here, you will find the account manuals that assist you in managing all the accounts offered by our company. However, be informed that we solely enroll the accounts. Therefore, we are unable to provide comprehensive accounts guidelines to you.

But the followings are some primary info you may want to know.

01. Use High Anonymity Proxy Servers

Problem: Using the same IP address for logging several accounts will ban all of them.

Solution: Use high anonymity proxy servers that can hide your IP address and work like a firewall. IPv4 proxy servers are great due to their compatibility, better security, and reliability.

What To Avoid:

  1. a) Avoid using poor quality poor servers that come in a bundle.
  2. b) Free applications like Hotspot Shield, TunnelBear, VPN, etc. These cheap service providers sometimes give a single IP address for multiple users.
  3. c) Avoid using IPv6 proxies, as they can cause various leaks and security issues.

Note: You can’t utilize IPv6 to access Vkontakte social network.

Summation: Use high anonymity proxy servers. As per our regulations, a single IP address can’t be used for accessing several accounts.

You can find our extraordinary offerings and services from this link.

02. Log in to Only One Account From A Device

Problem: Logging in several registered accounts from a single device such as a PC, laptop, smartphone, or tablet will block the accounts.

Solution: buy a complete package to use one IP address for each account.

How the system recognizes a single device for several accounts:

  1. a) Removing all cookies from various browsers
  2. b) Using multiple browsers from the same device
  3. c) Using the browser in regular or private mode

What Do Multiple Devices Mean:

  1. a) Using one PC or laptop for each account
  2. b) Using one smartphone for each account
  3. c) Using exclusive offerings and packages to log in to the registered accounts
  4. d) Using a browser user-agent switcher and performing relevant activities in a browser
  5. e) Using some top-grade browsers that can automatically replace the device information. For example, Accovod.

Summation: Use a single device for each account or exclusive offerings and packages. Per our regulations, a single IP address can’t be used to access several accounts.

You can find our extraordinary offerings and services from this link.

03. Restrictions And Anthropoid-Like Activities

Problem: Large-scale activities from a single account will cause blockage of the account. It can happen if you send unlimited texts or likes for a limited period.

Solution: Once you complete the account registration properly, make sure to update your essential information to enhance account security. For instance: you can add info on the page, upload a few pictures, like or comment on other posts, share other posts, follow other pages, etc.

Note:  Please be informed we bear no liability for the developers of the offerings or programs and the suppliers of proxies. We or our affiliates register all the accounts using personal applications and proxy servers.

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